
Design for Healthcare Infrastructure

Conceptual & Basic Design

The ideas generated at the conceptual study stage are translated into layouts, taking congnizance of all design criteria, in line with functional and spatial programmes.

Engineering Design

Detailing of the design facilitates its analysis from basic engineering disciplines i.e.

  • Civil Design takes into account specific requirement e.g. optimized construction grids, floor strength for medical equipment, openings, elevators etc.
  • Mechanical Design considers all essential service of water supply, drainage, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and fire fighting systems.
  • Electrical Design takes cognizance of high and low voltage systems, emergency power supplies, fire-detection systems, lighting, telephone and paging systems, elevator control etc.
  • IT consideration enables incorporation of state-of the-art features into the system
  • Waste Management takes cognizance of potential quantum of wastes and incorporates appropriate collection and storages, treatment and disposal systems.

Equipment Planning

Choice of various categories of equipment i.e. clinical services in various specialities, clinical support services eg. laboratories, blood bank etc. and manifold room has important bearing on all aspects of engineering design; special consideration is, thereeral support services including the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD), laundry, kitchen and more, given to preparing department wise equipment schedule, co-ordinating its logistics and planning the installation, testing & commissioning.

Design Co-ordination

HSCC provides overall co-ordination assistance amongst the engineering disciplines, as also equipment selection and other issues related to hospital technology to achieve the project objectives.